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Title Deed


Buying Guide


As Aydemir Group, after purchasing a house, we assist you in the process of getting the title deed.

What is Deed?

Title deed; It is a legal document showing that you have the property right. The full name of the owner, his photograph and detailed information about the assets are shown in this document.

Things To Do To Get Title Deed:

This official document is issued and registered to the Land Registry Office where your property is located. The title deed is archived here and must be sealed with a stamp. By applying for your title deed application, personally (or by proxy with your power of attorney) come to the land registry office with the property seller and sign these documents, the purchase process of the property is completed and you become a property owner and you have all the rights to your property.

Before the Deed Day:
  • 1. it should be clarified who will pay the title deed and property tax,
  • Real estate agent payment, title deed, file and insurance costs should be taken into account,
  • Suitable housing loans should be searched, net loan amount and maturity preferences should be made – (for those who will use housing loans),
  • Apply to the bank with all required documents, including a photocopy of the title deed – (for those who will use mortgage loans),
  • How the payment will be made should be clarified, the upper transfer limit of bank accounts should be checked,
  • Compulsory Earthquake Insurance (ZDS), in general terms, DASK, should be made or its validity should be checked,
  • The current value should be taken from the municipality where the residence is affiliated and real estate tax should be paid if it has not been paid,
  • The mortgage documents and information of the mortgage authority should be obtained from the bank – (for those who will use mortgage loans),
  • The title holder or his attorney must apply to the land registry office with the necessary documents,
  • Fee payment should be made according to the appointment information received via SMS,
  • The mortgage officer of the bank should be notified of the date and time of the appointment – (for those who will use mortgage loans).
On the Deed Day:
  • All buyers and sellers (or their proxies) must be ready with their identity documents at the time of the appointment,
  • Two witnesses without kinship should be brought in for illiterate buyers and sellers,
  • The fee receipts paid should be given to the officer performing the transaction,
  • In the contracting chamber, sales documents must be signed by all buyers and sellers,
  • If the loan is used, loan opening documents should be signed at the bank (for those who will use mortgage loan),
After the Deed Day:
  • The relevant institutions should be visited for invoice transfer transactions,
  • Transfer of residence should be done by going to the Population Directorate,
  • Notice of property tax to the relevant municipality.